The project TERNO (Teachers Education for Roma New Opportunities in School) is a project co-financed by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission (Key Activity 1: Roma Multilateral Projects) which aims to set up and implement special support centres in order to support the Roma children that attend the last classes of the elementary school to complete primary education and pass on to the secondary education.

The general objective of the project is to prevent the early school leaving of the Roma children and support the Roma children to move from the elementary to the secondary education. The project aims to improve the participation/maintanance in school for children with low living standard by overpassing the lack of interest towards traditional learning methods. The specific objective with which the general objective will be achieved is through the training of the teachers (or teaching assistants) that are teaching Roma in order to support the Roma children to complete the elementary education.

The main result that the TERNO project has developed are Centres for the provision of supplementary education for Roma children that are completing the elementary education and are preparing to pass to the secondary education. The organization of these centres was based on a methodology which has included all the important elements in order to help teachers of Roma children to better support children that attend the last classes of the school to complete elementary education and pass to the secondary education.

The consortium of the project is multi-actor, it has a great experience in the field and it has complementary competencies. It is constituted from 6 partners from 5 countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Romania). In the project they participate, 3 Roma Associations, one NGO led by Roma, a Research Institute which is specialized in the education research for the Roma people and an organization specialized in the development of research methodologies and management of LLP projects.

Tab 1 The Project

Tab 2 General Objectives and Activities

Tab 3 Main Results

Tab 4 Partners

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teacher training methodology

national research reports

What is the European Commission doing in the field of Education and Training ?

In the 1950s, one major tenet of the EU founding fathers’ credo in a reconciled
Europe was the role of democratic values, together with
a restored prosperity in securing peace between nations. Both require
education. Democratic values are not innate and they must be acquired
through education both inside the community and in the more formal setting of
schools. Education is also a precondition for sustainable and inclusive growth, especially
at a time where prosperity has increasingly become dependent on the intellectual
vigour and resources of a knowledge-based society. The prerequisites for
both citizenship and knowledge are the quality and inclusiveness of educational
systems throughout the European Union.

In this context, the Lifelong Learning programmes of the European Commission,
managed by the Directorate-General for Education & Culture have resources, political
momentum and visibility, which reflect such commitments. The response from European
society, as evidenced by the enormous successof the Erasmus programme, has confirmed
that the guiding inspiration of Lifelong Learning is the right one. The Lifelong Learning programme
funds a range of actions, including exchanges, study visits and networking activities. Projects are
intended not only for individual students and learners, but also for teachers, trainers and all others
involved in education and training. With a budget of nearly EUR 7 billion for the period
2007-13, the Lifelong Learning programmes have four headings that fund projects
at different levels of education and training: Comenius for schools, Erasmus for higher
education, Leonardo da Vinci for vocational education and training, and Grundtvig
for adult education. Other projects in areas that are relevant to all levels of education,
such as language learning, information and communication technologies,

policy co-operation and dissemination and exploitation of project results are funded
through the ‘transversal’ part of the programme, which also host the specific calls
for proposals ‘explicitly but not exclusively targeting’ Roma communities. However,
any proposals submitted in the more general strands of the Lifelong Learning programmes
(mainly Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig) offer great potential
for Roma-oriented proposals for project funding, as they address the most disadvantaged
groups in society.


Source: Roma and Education: Challenges and Opportunities in the European Union

                                                                                   © European Union, 2012

This project is co-funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.

Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries