The project TERNO (Teachers Education for Roma New Opportunities in School) is a project co-financed by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission (Key Activity 1: Roma Multilateral Projects) which aims to set up and implement special support centres in order to support the Roma children that attend the last classes of the elementary school to complete primary education and pass on to the secondary education.

The general objective of the project is to prevent the early school leaving of the Roma children and support the Roma children to move from the elementary to the secondary education. The project aims to improve the participation/maintanance in school for children with low living standard by overpassing the lack of interest towards traditional learning methods. The specific objective with which the general objective will be achieved is through the training of the teachers (or teaching assistants) that are teaching Roma in order to support the Roma children to complete the elementary education.

The main result that the TERNO project has developed are Centres for the provision of supplementary education for Roma children that are completing the elementary education and are preparing to pass to the secondary education. The organization of these centres was based on a methodology which has included all the important elements in order to help teachers of Roma children to better support children that attend the last classes of the school to complete elementary education and pass to the secondary education.

The consortium of the project is multi-actor, it has a great experience in the field and it has complementary competencies. It is constituted from 6 partners from 5 countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Romania). In the project they participate, 3 Roma Associations, one NGO led by Roma, a Research Institute which is specialized in the education research for the Roma people and an organization specialized in the development of research methodologies and management of LLP projects.

Tab 1 The Project

Tab 2 General Objectives and Activities

Tab 3 Main Results

Tab 4 Partners

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teacher training methodology

national research reports

A few tips and useful information

The objective of the so-called Roma calls for proposals under the Lifelong Learning
KA1 programme is to support transnational cooperation projects in order to develop
wider lifelong learning measures for Roma integration and network activities that
raise awareness for the most successful practices in the social integration of Roma.
One important feature of these calls is ‘joining-up educational and other measures’,
which means that the approach should be holistic, reaching beyond the confines of
education or schooling to include measures related to housing, health, education
and employment.

These calls invite proposals for Roma multilateral projects and networks from any and
all kind of organisations, public or private, which are active in the field of lifelong learning
in raising attainment levels in language and literacy skills: NGOs and stakeholders’
organisations: pre-primary, schools, primary, secondary and tertiary education (i.e.
access to university), VET, formal and non-formal education providers, higher education
including adult learning institutions, as well as any entity active in other social services,
such as health, housing and employment, including national or regional ministries in
charge of education and training.

The maximum share of the EU grant in the overall budget is 75 %, i.e. EUR 150 000
per year (EUR 25 000 for third countries) and the maximum duration of a project is
two years. Partnerships require a minimum of three LLP-participating countries in
multilateral projects (or five in networks), with at least one EU Member State.

So far, projects that are ‘explicitly but not exclusively’ addressing Roma in education
deal with teacher training, involvement of families, advocacy skills, exchanges of
good practices, building of networks and alternative pedagogies.

Whilst there is no sure-fire recipe for a successful project, it is clear that the following
features may help in devising a sound and persuasive project proposal: coherence
(problems, solutions, target groups, activities, budget, ambitions/resources/competence),
simplicity and clarity (simple and clear, identifying the need for such a proposal,
the solutions, and the outputs), evidence-based rationale (ex ante needs
analysis), state of the art, rigorous planning (what activities, when, for how long, and
with what resources?), and clear focus (a proposal is not meant to solve the world’s
problems, but to address a specific issue).

The Lifelong Learning programmes’ website should be regularly consulted to check
on news regarding forthcoming calls and other important information.

Source: Roma and Education: Challenges and Opportunities in the European Union

© European Union, 2012


This project is co-funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.

Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries