Il progetto TERNO è un progetto co-finanziato dal programma di apprendimento della Commissione Europea ed ha lo scopo di organizzare e realizzare centri di supporto speciale che sostengano gli alunni Rom delle  ultime classi della scuola elementare nel completare l’educazione primaria e passare a quella secondaria.

L’obiettivo generale del progetto è prevenire la dispersione scolastica dei bambini Rom e supportarli nel passaggio dalla scuola primaria a quella secondaria.Il progetto mira a migliorare la partecipazione nella scuola dei ragazzi con uno standard di vita basso, in modo da superare la mancanza di interesse verso i tradizionali metodi di insegnamento.L’obiettivo specifico è quello di formare insegnanti o educatori che aiutino i bambini Rom a completare il percorso di studi nella scuola primaria.

Lo scopo del progetto TERNO sarà quello di sviluppare centri per la diffusione di insegnamento supplementare che completino il percorso della scuola primaria e li preparino al passaggio alla scuola secondaria. L’organizzazione di questi centri dovrà essere basata su una metodologia che includerà tutti gli elementi importanti e utili a migliorare il passaggio tra i due ordini di scuola.

Gli attori del progetto hanno adeguata esperienza e competenza nel campo.Il team è costituito da sei partecipanti di cinque paesi (Grecia, Spagna, Italia, Ungheria, Romania). Al progetto partecipano tre associazioni Rom, un'ente no-profit guidato da Rom, un Istituto di ricerca che è specializzato nella ricerca educativa per Rom e un'organizzazione specializzata nello sviluppo di ricerche metodologiche e di gestione del progetto LLP.





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teacher training methodology

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What needs to happen?

For most European citizens, there can be no question about the fact that education
is the key to a rewarding professional future.

There may be many difficulties when it comes to finding rewarding jobs. Ideally, such
jobs would match market demands for specific skills with the individual's need for
personal fulfilment. Education and training may answer both types of needs: Europe
as a ‘knowledge-based society’ relies on education for sustainable growth and economic
prosperity and individual lives are shaped by learning experiences, in which
formal education, especially in the acquisition of basic skills, is a powerful force in
enhancing and developing one’s potential.

A successful education is by no means an easy task, both from the student’s and
teacher’s points of view. There are many challenges, some of which
may be overcome with innovative pedagogy, increased mobility,
more adequate resources and, in some cases, a better head start
with improved literacy and linguistic skills. These are difficulties
that Roma families may face, but there are considerably bigger
hurdles to be overcome that are more specific to their situation
and that need to be properly identified and remedied. On many
counts, Europe has not yet succeeded in overcoming educational
disadvantages, which separate many minorities from mainstream
society. In particular, whilst Member States and European institutions
have made considerable efforts to improve the attainment levels of Roma students,
overt or latent ethnic discrimination combined with the cycle of increasing
poverty are still hampering prospects for better social inclusion.

The economic situation of Roma communities is often desperately poor. Whilst it is
not a problem affecting Roma exclusively, it is important to get a clearer picture of
what is at stake. Many Roma people struggle to have access to basic commodities
such as food, basic health care and housing. In that context, education is often found
to be too big a financial burden to bear. Many traditional communities understand
education in a general sense as child rearing, for which the family environment
amply suffices. Whatever benefits a more formal education may present for the
future, in the form of early childhood education and care, are not well perceived.

Source: Roma and Education: Challenges and Opportunities in the European Union

                                                                                    © European Union, 2012

This project is co-funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.

Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries